A. Gas
B. Liquid
C. Sam in all
D. Solid
62. At what point the centigrade and the Fahrenheit temperatures are the same.?
A. 10 degree
B. 0 degree
C. 30 degree
D. 40 degree
63. The primary colors are blue, green and.?
A. Orange
B. Red
C. Yellow
D. None of these
64. What constitute current in a metal wire.?
A. Protons
B. Atoms
C. Molecules
D. Electrons
65. Good conductors have many loose bound
A. Atoms
B. Electrons
C. Protons
D. Molecules
66. The various distribution circuits are connected in.?
A. Aeries
B. Parallel
C. Sires of parallel
D. None of these
67. Which gas is commonly used in balloons and airships.?
A. Hydrogen
B. Carbon
C. Nitrogen
D. Helium
68. Which element has been found in D.G khan of Pakistan is.?
A. Uranium
B. Thorium
C. Radium
D. Plutonium
69. Non-conventional source energy best suited for Pakistan is.?
A. Solar energy
B. Wind energy
C. Tidal wave energy
D. Nuclear energy
70. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat and electricity.?
A. Diamond
B. Anthracite
C. Graphite
D. Granite
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