A. In Virus
B. In bacteria
C. In fungi
D. in yeast
182. Who discovered that certain molecules of ribonucleic acid function as enzymes?
A. Friedrich Wilhelm Kuhn Only
B. Friedrich and Thomas Cech
C. Thomas Cech only
D. Sidny Altman & Thomas cech
183. Molecule of ribonucleic acid which function as enzymes are called?
A. Ribozymes
B. Ribozmes
C. Ribozames
D. Ribosomes
184. The Important roe play by enzymes during reaction is?
A. Increase energy of activation of reaction
B. Maintain energy of activation of reaction
C. Lower down energy of actiavtion of reaction
D. No effect on energy of activation of reaction
185. Naturally, most of the enzymes are?
A. Proteins
B. Lipids
C. Carbohydrates
D. Vitamins
186. Regarding nature of enzymes, which one is correct?
A. The are inorganic catalyst
B. Large quantities are required to bring a change in large amount of substrate
C. The are non=specific in their nature but specific in their action
D. They are specific both in their naure and action
187. Regarding enzyme moleucles?
A. Smaller in size than the substrate
B. Of same size as substrate
C. Greater in size than molecules
D. No relation with substrate
188. Enzyme molecules are?
A. Heat sensitive but not pH sensitive
B. pH sensitive but not heat sensitive
C. Both A & B
D. None of above
189. Fischer in 1898 proposed?
A. Induce Fit Theory
B. Enzyme Lock Theory
C. Catalyst Fit Theory
D. Key-Lock Theory
190. Koshland in 1959 proposed?
A. Enzyme Lock Theory
B. induce Fit theory
C. Catalyst Fit Theory
D. None of above