161. Which is the oldest monarchy in the world.?
A. France
C. Japan
D. None of these
162. Smallest Muslim state population wise is.?
A. Bahrain
B. Jordan
C. Maldives
D. None of above
162. Name the first lady Prime Minister of the world?
A. Banazir Bhutto
B. Korino akino
C. Margrate thatcher
D. Mr. Sirmavo bandarnaike
163. Name the first woman president of the UN general Assembly.?
A. Pandit vijaya lakshmi of india
B. Mrs. Kumara tunga of Sri Lanka
C. Banazir Bhutto of Pakistan
D. Pandit vijay lakshmi Nepal
164. Which is the first animal to be sent in space.?
A. Laike, the sheep
B. Dolly, the dong
C. Dolly, the sheep
D. Laika, the dog (Russians)
165. Who was the first person to reach North Pole.?
A. Robert-e-Peary
B. Ames clark
C. John Ross
D. None of above
166. Rober PeARY REACHED North pole in.?
A. 1908
B. 1909
C. 1910
D. 1020
167. Yuri Gagarin a Russian was the first person to go in space in which was year.?
A. 1961
B. 1971
C. 1981
D. 1991
168. The Highest capital of the word is.?
A. Belize
B. Quito
C. Paris
D. La paz
169. Which is the first test-tube baby.?
A. Louis washkansky
B. R.H. Lawler
C. Tom whittkae
D. Louise brown