A. Asia
B. Australia
C. Europe
D. Africa
172. Who is called the Father of English Poetry.?
A. Charles Dickens
B. Milton
C. Chaucer
D. Wordswoth
173. RAW Stand for.?
A. Reorganizations and Analysis Wing
B. Research and Annihilation wing
C. Research and Analysis Wing
D. None of above
174. Constantinople is the old name of.?
A. Surinam
B. Leopoldville
C. Istanbul
175. The largest continent (in terms of area) is.?
A. Asia
B. Australia
C. North America
D. None of Above
176. Fiddle castor was president of.?
A. Poland
B. Cuba
C. Spain
D. None of Above
177. Which of following metals in not only magnetic but also radioactive.?
A. Platinum
B. Chromium
C. Thorium
178. The sun is mad of mostly.?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Helium
D. Hydrogen
179. Who is the current head of Commonwealth.?
A. Births prime minister
B. French Prime Minister
C. Queen Elizabeth
D. None of them
180. Who won the 2015 Cricket World Cup.?
A. Pakistan
B. New Zealand
C. Australia
D. None of them
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