A. Chloroplast
B. A Nerve Cell
C. Hydrogen
152. On the basis of collected facts and figures, a scientist formulates a feutative statement called.?
A. Hypothesis
B. Observation
C. Research Word
D. None Of Above
153. Organelles are.?
A. Unicellular Structures
B. Multi Cellular Structures
C. Sub-Cellular Structures
D. None of above
154. Various tissue types combine to make up.?
A. Cells
B. Organ System
C. Organelles
D. Organs
155. Two or more populations of different species living and interacting in the same area from.?
A. Biosphere
B. Ecosystem
C. Community
D. Population Systems
156. A Group of similar cells that perform a specific function is.?
A. Tissues
B. Organ
C. Organelle
D. Organ Systems
157. A group of very similar inter breeding organisms conscious.?
A. Biosphere
B. Species
C. Ecosystem
D. Community
158. Members of one species inhabiting the same area from.?
A. Species
B. Community
C. Population
D. None of above
159. Functional unit of DNA is.?
A. Genes
B. Nucleus
C. Chromosomes
D. Nucleolus
160. With different chemical arrangements and formation of complex molecules, the life emerges on the level of the?
A. Tissues
B. Cells
C. Organs
D. Oran Systems